What makes you not give up on life?

The question was asked "What makes you not give up on life". This is something I feel strongly about so here is my answer:

Humans are a bunch of talking communal apes hurling through the galaxy on an organic space ship that as far as we know there is nothing else like it in the known universe.

Any time before 100 years ago by the age of 25 you and/or half your friends would have died or been maimed for the rest of your life by a war, a disease, a natural disaster, or some other crazy shit that you have no control over... But since you are reading this, you likely aren't going to be eaten by a sabertoothed tiger, incapacitated by a brain eating microbe, or killed by some crazy dictator who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. That in itself is amazing.

The fact that I am able to communicate all of this to you because some dude got the crazy idea to make sand think, and then another dude thought that his thinking sand should be able to talk to your thinking sand is beyond AMAZING.

You live in a time during where you are endowed with the freedom (in 165 countries at least) that you can do basically whatever you want when you want, with only the slight inconvenience of having to pay for it, which again due to the time in history, is more of an inconvenience than a deterrent.

If you want to paint a painting, go paint. If you want to talk to the pretty girl/guy at the coffee shop go talk to them! If you want to cliff jump in Norway you can! If you want to go to burning man, do a bunch of drugs, get naked and ride around on a bike and get a sunburn... you can do that too! There is an infinite number of amazing, beautiful, crazy things to tickle your fancy in this world. You just need to walk out the door and go do it!!!

So what makes me not want to give up on life? I have experienced the tiniest little bit of it, and its AWESOME. The people, the places, the thoughts, the art... literally the only fucking problem (in the western world) are the people, companies, schools, governments, etc that are trying to make us unhappy so we buy more shit. That's not what it is all about... so ignore them. Get off their rails. Their version of what this is about sucks.

I cannot recommend enough that you should get out there and try it.

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