This template is designed to help create a better process surrounding your code review. Every company/project is different so don't take this as God's word... it's just meant to help
Git Repository: ____
Pull Request Number: ____
Code Author: ____
Code Reviewer: ____
Pull Request Type: ____
An overall score for this review: ____
Upon testing, does the code work? Does it accomplish what was intended?
Was the proper process followed for creating this pull request?
Coding Standards
Code should be coherent, logical, and require minimal explanation
Code should follow the project's style guide for spacing, indentation, capitalization, etc.
Code should be well commented and include doc blocks
Continuous Improvement
Boyscout Rule: If editing existing messy code, the code should be left in a better state than it was found
Architecture and Design
Single Responsibility
Functions and methods stand alone. Classes have a single responsibility.
Methods should have a limited number of parameters or constants.
Code should be written with backend efficiency (algorithm choice, caching data, etc.) and frontend efficiency (optimized resources, minimal HTTP requests, etc.) in mind
Code Duplication
Avoid code duplication in favor of abstracting common functionality (Rule of 3)
Best Practices
Unit Tests
Depending on the changes, unit tests may not be required.
Missing or incomplete
Well written
Functional Tests
Depending on the changes, functional tests may not be required.
Missing or incomplete
Well Written
Depending on the changes, documentation may not be required.
Missing or incomplete
Well written
Additional Notes